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香港,繼續有夢。︳The Cinema of Hong Kong-History, Arts, Identity

Updated: Feb 10, 2021







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近期宮崎駿好紅,不如重溫佢嘅作品《風起了 FILM COMIC》吖。此外重有記述香港電影自戰前到70年代嘅歷史、類型及社會文化意義嘅 The Cinema of Hong Kong 、探究未來人類發展嘅《未來城》以及更多。好書每星期上架,嚟「書店快樂」逛下啦: . 所有書籍均以原價約三成出售,可以信用卡、PayPal或現金付款,結帳後即可預約取書,或選擇順豐快運送抵指定地點。



Scholars, archivists, and film programmers provide an overview of major directors, genres, and stars of Hong Kong cinema, from the period before and during World War II to the revival of Cantonese movies in The Cinema of Hong Kong-History, Arts, Identity. The title examines Hong Kong cinema in historical, transnational, cultural and political contexts and has the most comprehensive chronology of Hong Kong film history and the most comprehensive English-language bibliography on Hong Kong film.


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